My name is Yael Rakocz and I'm a 22 year old student from Tel Aviv, Israel. This is our second trip to VN for my father Dr. Meir Rakocz and I. Our first volunteer trip with DDS4Kids was exactly ten years ago when I was twelve. As a young college student now on the team, I had the privilege to observe caring, compassionate, qualified, and competent dentists from all over the world. Every single member of this mission is crucial for its success, regardless of our different skills and the area we contribute during the clinics, every task is important. Brandon and I are the two youngest volunteers on the team, both college students, we were in charge of the sterilization - anesthetic supply station. We also assumed the responsibility of comforting the children while they were waiting for dental treatment, we gave them toys to play, paper and color pencils to draw, we danced and laughed and bonded in the small classroom-turn-dental-clinic although we speak different languages, come from very diverse cultures and only met for the day. Our team traveled to different elementary school each day, we reached different remote village everyday, and everyday I fell in love all over again with the local children and they will forever be in my heart. (Yael is studying to be a doctor so she can continue to help the children in need)