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Dr. Lan Jones
Posted 3/26/2008 8:38 AM (#40)
Subject: Dr. BEVERLY "SISSY" ANN JIMENEZ-CHAMBERS - Maryland - VN 2008


Posts: 52

Lan, my experience on this trip with you was even more than I expected it to be. It was rewarding in so many ways, and I thank you so much for the opportunity to be part of your team. And what a team! The bonding and the "special" family that we became for two weeks was the cherry on top of the ice cream sundae for a mission trip. I have so many great memories of all of us working, playing, traveling and sharing together. It's hard to even put it in words how great the overall experience was. It was pure joy!

I'm so thankful we crossed paths somehow, even if it started via cyber space! You are an amazing woman. The energy and passion you have for what you do is admirable and makes me so proud that I've been able to spend time with you, helping you with those goals. The compassion you have for the people of Vietnam is incredible too and so many are better off to be touched by you and your efforts. I hope to be joining your team again in the future.

Dr. Sissy Jimenez, Pediatric Dentist, Stevensville, Maryland.

Past volunteer experience: 1989 Dominican Republic, 1992 Costa Rica, Nicaragua, 1993 Jamaica.

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